Get Schooled

Best Free Online Learning Platforms for Students

Last updated August 26, 2024

Whether you're looking to catch up, review, or get ahead for the school year, check out this list of the best free online learning platforms for students!

A man with red hair sits at a table and reads a book - Best Free Online Learning Platforms for Students

AP Courses & Exams

Preparing to start an AP course or take an AP exam? Your AP Student Dashboard has a variety of free AP prep materials, such as YouTube videos, practice questions, and more. 


Artsy features over 1 million works of art and architecture by 100,000 artists. They have created a list of 10 university art courses available online for free!


For help with writing, grammar, and proofreading, check out Quill. By creating a free profile, you can complete writing activities that only take 10-15 minutes each with instant feedback.

Foreign Languages

Need to practice your Spanish? Want to learn Hindi? Check out Duolingo, a free website and app with 35 languages for English speakers to practice or learn. If English is your second language, there are 22 other language programs as well!


From ancient to modern history, EdX has a class for you. Founded by Harvard and MIT, EdX offers over 3,000 courses for free, including many history lessons. Lessons vary in subject, length, and level, but are a great way to learn something new or get a refresher in one of your favorite subjects.


Khan Academy is a well-known place to start for help with all types of math. Using practice exercises and a personalized dashboard, you can study at your own pace and focus on specific areas of growth. Khan Academy has also expanded its reach to many other subjects as well, like history, biology, economics, finance, and more!


We’ve put together a list of seven science websites and YouTube channels to help you learn something new! This list includes:

Social Justice

Coursera has curated a list of 30 free courses to confront issues of race, inequality, and social justice in society. They will continue to add courses to their collection as existing content is updated and new courses are made available to the public. 


Many Ivy League Universities offer a catalog of online free courses. Harvard Extension School, UC Berkeley Class Central, and MIT OpenCourseWare are just a few examples!   

If you have recommendations to add to this list, hit us up on Instagram @getschooled or text #Hello to 33-55-77 (if you're on mobile, click here to have the message set up for you)!

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