Get Schooled


    You have questions and we have answers! If you can’t find the answer to your question on this page, contact us!

    About Get Schooled

    Account & Log In

    Educators & Schools

    Security & Privacy

    About Get Schooled

    What is Get Schooled?

    Get Schooled is a national nonprofit that helps young people get to college, find first jobs, and succeed in both. Our website has resources that will help you achieve your college and job goals, and our Text Advisors are ready to answer any questions you have about applying to college, finding a first job, succeeding in high school, and more. Get Schooled is free, has no advertising, and never shares or sells personal data.

    What are Text Advisors?

    We are available Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm PST via text to support students! Our Text Advisors will answer any questions you have about applying to college, finding a first job, succeeding in high school, and more! Click here to start texting us or send #Hello to 33-55-77.

    Account & Log In

    How do I create a Get Schooled account?

    Click here to sign up for a free Get Schooled account. We have no advertising and never share or sell personal data. Create and personalize your account to start receiving content and reminders that align with your college and jobs journeys!

    What are the benefits of creating an account?

    While all of our content is free and available to you, signing up will give you access to all of the following (and more!) for free:

    How do I reset my password?

    Click here to reset your password. If you do not receive an email from Get Schooled with the subject “Reset Password Instructions,” check your spam folder. If you still haven’t received an email, contact us.

    My account was deactivated. What happened?

    We temporarily deactivate the accounts of users who engage in bullying or spam on discussion boards and video comments. The deactivation lasts for 24 hours. We work hard to create a fun and safe place for our community and encourage all users to honor our usage guidelines. If you believe your account was deactivated by error, or if you have questions, email us at [email protected].

    What is my 'Profile'?

    Your profile is unique to you and customizable based on your year in school and your college and career interests. The more you customize your profile, the better we can support you through a blend of recommended articles and videos. 

    Educators & Schools

    How can my school or district partner with Get Schooled?

    We LOVE to collaborate with other organizations to support postsecondary and early career preparation and success, and are actively seeking new partners! Click here to learn more about partnering with Get Schooled.

    I'm an Educator. How can Get Schooled help with my curriculum planning?

    To support educators working with students to navigate their postsecondary pathways, we send a weekly national newsletter filled with timely articles, videos, downloadable resources, and Kahoots. Click here to sign up for our free Educator Newsletter!

    By signing up, you’ll also receive information about new resources and product launches to help you better support and serve your students in achieving their goals. 

    Where is the Educator login?

    Educators do not need to create a Get Schooled account to access any content on the website. All of our Educator Resources can be found here!

    Security & Privacy

    What does Get Schooled do with my personal information?

    We take your privacy very seriously. While we collect some personal information from users as they create and personalize their accounts, we will NEVER sell or share your personal information or data with any third party.

    In addition, we take all reasonable measures to protect the privacy of your data and personally identifiable information through our training, policies, and practices.

    Get Schooled helps young people get to college, find first jobs, and succeed in both.

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    ©2025 Get Schooled