Get Schooled

    Partner With Us

    We LOVE to collaborate with other organizations to support postsecondary and early career preparation and success, and are actively seeking partners at each of our three levels: Introductory, Advanced and Deep levels. From enhanced access to our free resources and supports to highly customized, co-branded content and efforts - everything is possible!

    Statewide Partnerships

    As experts in youth-facing communications, Get Schooled can partner with state entities to customize and amplify important messages on financial aid completion, belonging in college, finding a first job, and much more. Our communications superpowers include campaigns via social media, text message, and in-person marketing. From College Promise programs to in-demand career pathways, we can spread the word about your state programs directly to young people.

    K-12 School Districts

    We know caseloads are high, school staff face a never-ending list of competing priorities, and students - especially those who are first gen - rely on school staff for support in navigating their next steps. In response, Get Schooled partners with schools and districts to bolster the in-person support provided by school counselors and college & career coaches.

    Get Schooled can provide reliable support via text and virtual programming, including FAFSA completion for all seniors, text-based nudges and personalized support for juniors and seniors, and individual reviews of resumes and college essays. We can also develop engaging social and school-based campaigns that amplify your district priorities around college and career readiness.

    College Partnership

    We’re focused on ensuring success throughout the first year of college for all young people, and especially underserved and/or first-generation college students. We partner with colleges to align with your first-year success initiatives to create content, communication campaigns, and virtual support to ensure more of your students transition from high school to college, navigate their first year, and persist into their second year. Our support can include:

    • Creating textlines with timely nudges and continuous virtual support
    • Social and in-person marketing campaigns on financial aid, belonging, and more
    • Scholarships customized for your students
    • Job search and resume development support
    • First year college success content and resources

    Individual Educators

    Incorporate our college access and success information into your curriculum! We match content to the critical milestones high school students need to complete to get to and succeed in college. This includes checklists, videos, scholarship lists, and free college essay reviews. Sign up to receive weekly educator resources. 

    Get Schooled helps young people get to college, find first jobs, and succeed in both.

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